Cool Parts of the Atmosphere of Venus

Venus captured by NASA

Composition of Venus’ Atmosphere

96.5% Carbon Dioxide

3.5% Nitrogen

Venus lacks a magnetic field. Its ionosphere separates it from outer space and the sun’s wind.

4 Billion Years Ago it is assumed that the atmosphere of Venus was a lot like earth’s atmosphere. There could have been liquid water. The area 50-65 km above the surface of Venus is the most Earth-like place in the solar system with breathable air that is like helium.


The troposphere is the densest part of the atmosphere. The troposphere has an atmospheric pressure strong enough that carbon dioxide turns into a supercritical fluid. A large amount of carbon dioxide and water vapor help create a strong greenhouse effect. This traps solar energy and increases the temperature.

Venus has an ionosphere. The ionosphere is related to temperature. The high ionization occurs on the dayside of the planet.

Venus has an induced magnetosphere. It is caused by the sun carrying solar wind.

Sources:Venus on Wikipedia

One response to “Cool Parts of the Atmosphere of Venus”

  1. Atmospheres are super important for life. Imaging that we would have evolved in a totally different way. Maybe the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that our ours would be sensitive too would change. Maybe, even the composition of gases we use to breath. Great post!


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